Based on Security
More than Security

Video Analysis Platform

Beseye gave security camera a smart brain to automatically conduct security analysis in public sites, and help stores get consumer insights, saving a large amount of manpower and time required to monitor security videos..

Security Protection

Beseye automatically analyzes the characteristics and behaviors of each person in the environment to effectively determine security concerns and events.

Smart Retail

Beseye can analyze customer flow, customer demographics, consumer behavior, preferences, and popular products in the stores, which provides a final push in boosting sales.

Smart Management

Beseye caught important insights, so that companies can achieve effective management without having to spend a lot of time and money

What we do for you


Smart Retail

Gain insight into customer journey, conduct in-depth data analysis and provide visualized reports to physical stores.


Smart Transportation

Automated safety platform for traffic sites, which detects dangerous events and make immediate notifications.


Smart Factory

Automated safety platform for traffic sites, which detects dangerous events and make immediate notifications.


Smart BANK

The second pair of eyes for protecting banks and guaranteeing the rights of customers and banks.


Smart Long-term Care

Best helper for elderly care, care is no longer limited by distance.


Smart Factory

Automated safety platform for traffic sites, which detects dangerous events and make immediate notifications.

Break Through Distance and Angle Limitations

Beseye’s exclusive Skeleton-Print™ technology identifies various body characteristics and movement at 30~50 meters from any angle, and provide real-time analysis that is 3.75 times faster and 30% more precise than traditional video analysis.


No Hardware Replacement


Beseye’s video analysis platform supports over 90% of the security cameras on the market. Companies do not need to replace existing monitoring equipment.

Success Stories

Beseye has extensive experience in numerous different sites and can provide tailor-made smart solutions according to customer rerquirements. Major customers include Japanese railway companies and two of the largest telecoms in Taiwan.


第二屆觀光得塔推進賽亮點報導 — 雲守護

第二屆觀光得塔推進賽亮點報導 — 雲守護

你或妳是否都曾經在旅行時,希望有充足的時間到處踩點、希望景點人潮不要影響到遊玩興致,以下的狀況或多或少都有相似的經驗,買票進遊樂園,卻發現每一項設施都要等好久;或是到風景區,滿滿的人潮都拍不出網美照。在這智慧時代下,是不是很好奇有什麼便捷的工具和服務跟著推陳出新呢?       這次採訪到 Beseye 團隊,這支團隊專注於提供安全攝影機的人工智慧影像分析平台服務,透過雲端AI影像辨識與巨量數據分析,過去 Beseye於零售商情分析服務領域有許多如研華 Store Vue 等知名客戶採用,此次跨界開發出 ”Beseye...

【雲守護安控】布局新市場 先結合新科技 觀光旅遊業者 請勇敢踏出數位轉型第一步!

【雲守護安控】布局新市場 先結合新科技 觀光旅遊業者 請勇敢踏出數位轉型第一步!

遇上新冠疫情,無論觀光產業、旅宿業都大受影響,但此同時也正是導入新科技,滿足消費者體驗的最佳時刻。隨著 AI 人工智慧及大數據運算不斷應用在日常生活,國際上,Google、亞馬遜、蘋果、小米等科技大廠從不同角度切入市場運用,而台灣觀光產業鏈也正接收新創公司的智慧衝擊。像是 aiello 犀動智能,從語意解析將AI語音助理打造成專業飯店智慧音箱;Beseye 雲守護,從安全攝影機的人工智慧影像分析來優化商家營運模式;又或是時刻旅行...

善用新創 AI 力量 順利啟動企業智慧轉型

善用新創 AI 力量 順利啟動企業智慧轉型

AI的發展不僅需要成熟企業的場域與資金,更需要新創團隊的應用創意。台灣近幾年掀起新創浪潮,絕大多數團隊都以AI的技術基礎,發展出各種創意與實用兼具的解決方案,在5月的大肚山產業創新論壇中,就邀請了3組極具發展潛力的台灣新創團隊,為大肚山業者介紹其方案與商業模式。 OSENSE 光禾感知科技—虛實整合打造出智慧場域 曾被日經雜誌譽為未來10年改變世界的百大企業、並獲得科技部與經濟部新創大獎的光禾感知科技,專營虛實融合的智慧場域解決方案...